As Study of Academic Achievement in Relation to Parental Support, Academic Self Concept and Test Anxiety Amongstudents in Primary Schools of Woreta and Debretabor Towns

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Addis Ababa University


Several studies have indicated that parental practices concerning education are closely related to the educational pel/ormance of children besides some personality traits such as academic self-concept and test-anxiety. The main plllpose of this study, thus, was to investigate the relationship belVveen pare11lal support and academic achievement on primary school students in the C011lext of academic self-concept and test anxiety. The differences in the extents of independent variables due to age, gender of children, family structure and parental education were also designed to be studied. The data for this study were collected from 391 randomly selected sample subjects (198 males and 193 females) with the help of students self-report questionnaires. The measuring instruments - Parental Support, Academic Self-concept and Test-anxiety tests were found to have reliability coefficients of. 97, .96 and. 84 respectively. Moreover, tiest, chi square test and item-total correlation were used to improve the item qualities. The collected data were analyzed using statistical methods, like Descriptive statistical methods, Pearson product moment correlation, Step-wise multiple regression, and independent sample t-test. Statistical results showed that there was high positive relationship between parental support and the academic achievement of children. Significant difference was observed in the practice of parental support due to gender, family structure and parental education. Moreover, academic self-concept and academic achievement were found to have high positive correlation while test-anxiety and academic achievement were indicating high negative correlation. Step-wise multiple regression analysis revealed that parental support and academic selfconcept were the significant predictors of academic achievement, which accounted for about 93% of the explained variance. However, the contribution of test anxiety on academic achievement was not found to be significant.



Academic Achievement
