Word Formation in Yam
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Addis Ababa University
Complex words are f ormed by applying different
word fo rmation rules to simple or derived forms .
This study aims a t presenting possible ways of word
formations in Yam . It also tries to describe the
structures and nature of the derived forms.
In- this connect ion, affixation compound ing and
reduplication have been dealt with as major
proce s ses of word formation . Nominals, verba ls and
adjectivals are formed by attaching different
affixes to different roots or stems .
Compounding is another type of word formation,
in which two words are combined to fo r m a new one . t
Moreover, more complex compounds, that is, com poun~s
with three components are also possible in the
language .
Reduplication of words can also r esu lt in
d er iv i ng new words . Reduplication of verb roots,
for instance, r esults in intensive and frequentative
Changing tone patterns of existing words is
also a possible word formation process, though not
as productive as the others.
.',~ :
Der ived words behave differently from their
base forms phonologically , morphologically , ~
syntactically and semantically.