Consequences of Early Marriage on Lifetime Fertility, Maternal health and School participation Among Reproductive Age Women in Mursi Community, Salamago Woreda, Sothern Region, Ethiopia.

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Addis Ababa University


Early marriage has profound psychological, emotional, physical/health and social impact for girl victims of early marriage. It constricts educational opportunities and the chance for personal growth for both girls. and boys. Mursi women marry at earlier age than men and most girls are forced to be married soon after puberty. The main objective of this study is to assess the magnitude, pattern and consequences of early marriage on lifetime fertility, maternal health and school participation of reproductive age women residing in Mursi. A mixed methods approach, involving both quantitative and qualitative methods, was used in the study. A community based crossectional study was conducted in Mursi district, Selamago Woreda, Jinka Zone in Sothern Region during March, 2019. The target population was all evermarried Mursi women in reproductive age in Mursi district. The community survey was based on a sample of 357 ever-married women in reproductive age. Two way associations were assessed by chi-square test. In addition multivariable Poisson regression model was applied to examine effect of age at marriage and other variables on number of children ever born. The finding showed early marriage is widely practiced in Mursi community, 95% of respondents' age at first marriage was in the interval 10-19. Cultural norms, economic motives of parents of the girls to get dowry are major factors for early marriage in Mursi. Marriage at a very early age of 10 -16 years was significantly more prevalent (87%) for older women (aged 35 and above) compared to younger women aged 15 - 24 with a percentage of married at 10-16 being 63%, (X2 p value = 0.000), implying marrying at a very early age is declining in time. Significantly higher proportion of women who married at very early age (10 -16) had wider age difference at marriage from their husband compared to that of women whose age at marriage was 17 and above years. Illiteracy is very high for the study group of women at 80%,and from those who were literate and have been to school 78% have dropped out and 82% of these dropouts stated that early marriage was the cause. It was found also early marriage was soon followed by teen pregnancy and child birth in the study group. First birth complications, as prolonged labor and hemorrhage, happened in significantly higher proportion (86%) for women married at very early age of 10-16 compared to those married at later age (56%) (with X2 p value of 0.000). The effect of early marriage on children ever born to women was assessed using Poisson regression model by controlling other factors. It was found that marriage at very early age of 10-16 increases CEB by 26% (AOR=1.26, p value = 0.002) compared to those married after 16, after controlling for current age and abortion experience. Recommendation : Stakeholders like (MOH, MOE, Ministry of Women and Children, others) to plan and implement proper programs like promoting and protecting human right , Providing quality education in every district and raising awareness of the extent of the consequences of early marriage.



Early marriage, Liftime Fertility, Dowry, Polygamy, Prolonged labor, Hemorrhage
