Context Aware Pervasive Healthcare System for HIV/AIDS Patients (CAPHS)

dc.contributor.advisorEjigu, Dejene (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorMequanint, Alemitu
dc.description.abstractThese days, hea hhcare services are enjoying the applicat ion of pervasive computing systems. Advances in wireless tec hnologies- such as intelli gent mobile devices and wearable networks can improve communication among patients. physicians, and other healthcare workers as well as enable the delivery of accurate medical information anytime anywhere, thereby reducing errors and improving access. However, transmiss ion of vital signs, frequency of tran smi ssion of vital sign s, network communication cost, context refinement, and management of large contexts are still problems of pervasive hcalthcare systems. In this work, we propose a co ntext aware pervasive healthcare system for HIV!AIDS (I-Iuman Immunode ficiency Virus! Acq uired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) patients (CAPHS). The architecture of the system consists of three constituents: the patient unit, the healthcare unit and the doctor/nurse un it. The pati ent unit consists ofa group of body sensors for detectin g vital signs data from patients and transmitting it to the patient's smart phone via Bluetooth. After preprocessing, the smart phone transmits vi tal signs context information to the heahhcare un it via Internet for further processing and reason ing if there is any abnorma lity. This preprocessing helps to determine the frequency of transmi ssion of vital signs and reduces the network communicat ion cost to transmit vital sign data. At the same tim e, it a lso increases the effic iency of the healthcarc unit because this operation reduces its task of context refinement. The hea lthcare unit is rich in ART (Antiretroviral Thera py) ontology knowledge that we developed. For better management of large contexts, we usc a hybrid context management approach in which the high level schema ontology stored in OWLlRDF (Web Ontology La nguage/Resource Description Framework) format and the ontology in stances stored in ordinal)' relational databa se. The doctor/nurse unit is the thinnest of all units in terms of number of components. It communicates with the health care unit via InternetiSMS so that physicians can remotely monitor their pat ient. We have developed a prototype implementation for the system and we see that it is promising.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa,Universityen_US
dc.subjectPervasive Heal thcare, Context Awareness, Ontology, ART, CAPHS.en_US
dc.titleContext Aware Pervasive Healthcare System for HIV/AIDS Patients (CAPHS)en_US


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