The Attitudes Of Grade Seven and Eight English Teachers Towards English By Tv . Prorrammes
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study is to find out whether
the English teachers of grade 7 ane R of Addis Ababa
government Elementary and Junior High Schools have a
positive or negative attitude to\<.rards the English by TV.
nrogrammes entitled Let ' s Learn Enqlish and English for
To achieve this aims , questionnaires and observations
were used. The auestionnaires preparedweee qiven out before
hand to ?O teachers of 10 schools of the five zones . That
is, 2 teachers from each school . Then the researcher distributed
119 actual auestionnaires to 119 teachers of 35
Elementary and Junior High Schools. 116 teachers responded
to the questionnaires . That is , 49 responses of grade 7
teachers, 55 responses of grade R teachers and 12 responses
of both grade level teachers were collected.
The researcher made also 72 observations in one ~rade
7 and one qrade 8 from each of the four schools selected.
Eight of the classes observed are : from Del Betegel,
Mene lik II, Biherawi Betemenghist and ~le skerem 2 .
The researcher, besides his personal observation in
actual lesson transmissions inside classrooms has also
recorded the eiaht classes of the four schools on a video
tape.The t eachers response were tallied and percentaqe
and !'lean scores have been calculated to investigate the
teachers' attituoe towards the Enqlish by TV , programme.
The analysis of the result shovl that , nearly 75%
of the teachers showed a favourable attitude towards
the Enqlish by TV. programme. The approval ratinq were
hiaher for teacher ' s guide, proqramme, noteĀ·-taking,
answer and question , native speakers, methodoloay , sonqs
ana topics. On the other hand, drill , timing and
preparation, showed a value below the anproval r ating.
On the whole , through the findinqs of the observation
and the questionnaire the teachers showed a positive
attitude tOWa r0S the content a nd methodology of the
EngHsh by TV. progrnmme. The findinqs showed also
students qain from the programme.
However, SO!'le shortcomings were observed and the
r esearcher suqaested poirlts for improvements.