Discovering the English Language Needs of Learners (CADETS): The Case of Ethiopian Police College

dc.contributor.advisorBogale, Berhanu (Ph D)
dc.contributor.authorSeid, Mohammed
dc.description.abstractThis paper has dealt with identification of the English language needs of freshman diploma students of the Ethiopian Police College. In this regard, emphasis has been given to specifying the English language needs in each domain and preferred skills, activities and micro language items that could meet the specific language needs of trainees (Cadets) in academic, future career, and private and social life contexts. In carrying out the research, questionnaire was used as a chief data gathering tool for subjects, including 60 students, 30 former graduates, 2 English language instructors, and 6 administrators. Besides, interview and focus-group discussions were conducted for 1 English language instructor and 5 students respectively. The study has also been assisted with text analysis of the current course material (college English V-1). In the analysis the results have been triangulated for vivid manifestation of cadets’ English language needs as perceived by all respondents (stake holders). The study clearly indicated that cadets have high English language needs in the three domains. However, since trainees are preparing to become police officers a very high English language need has been recorded in the future career domain. On the contrary, the text analysis revealed that the current course book fails to incorporate the kind of English language that suits learners’ future profession. On the other hand, although all the subjects realized the significance of both macro and micro skills in the three domains, they prioritized speaking, listening, reading, and writing in due order. They also believed that vocabulary and grammar should be learnt more than pronunciation. Hence, the college, syllabus designers and other concerned bodies need to design a kind of course material that satisfies the needs of cadets in the three domains, but with special emphasis to the kind of English that serves their future careeren_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectThe Case of Ethiopian Police Collegeen_US
dc.titleDiscovering the English Language Needs of Learners (CADETS): The Case of Ethiopian Police Collegeen_US


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