The role of education and skills training at kallitti: the case of Addis Ababa city prison Administration

dc.contributor.advisorZeleke, Befikadu(Ato)
dc.contributor.authorKokeb, Aster
dc.description.abstractThis silidy atlelllp!<!d 10 discuss Ihe role of Educalion and Skills Training Cenler al Kallilli ill Addis Ababa prison atimillislrtlliull. It addressed 111'0 basic isslles on rhe role of Ihe celller, The jir,"1 one was lIiulri-ji,cel<:d role ofeducarioll and rechnicallraining while Ihe prisoners weN ill rhe pri,'on, n,e second illlporrlllil poinl was rhe rule ofeducalion and the training ill ('nabling liIe prisoners ro live ill harmony wirh rhe society in lIlany aspeers, To accolllplish this, the srlldy LlIi1ized ijllalitarive research design rhat was illlplemented by colleeling and anlllyzing qualilalive data, Three clala collection illsrrulilents were IIscd, infen'iell', ubseI'l'IIrion allil doculIlent ({Illllysis, The instrulllents were used!O collect borh prilliu/y und sec(lndwy sources ofdala, ille prill1my dala were col/eeled frolll Ihe if/slirllliun under im'esligaliun, lIIainly FOIl1 Ihe lrainees, Ihe Irainers, prison adminisrr(l{iun ufficials, and rhe released oj}i!nder, The secondary dma for Ihis sluriy werl! Ihe a\'(/ilable doct/menrs; like case records, lrainees' reporl card, published prison dairies ele, Accordingly Ihe Slll.!y illl'esligaled series ()f Ihe persunal experiences of several individllals whi!z Ihey "'ere ill alld ajier Ihey \Vere released ji'01ll Ihe cemer, Thlls il was orgalli:e" ill IIJ IIl1rrlllire lIlIalysis alld several series of case swciies, Respondenls fbI' Ihe illlerriew \rere seleeled Ihrollgh pllrposive salllplillg. Officials, trainees, tmine)'s {lnd released of/ellders were selecled. The released offenders were selected Ihrollgll amilobi!ilY sall/plillg The pllrpuse(id seleclioll o/parliciponls was done llsing dijferenl crilaia, like experiellce ill Ihe prisoll aI leasl abol'e I\VO years bec{luse Ifrey underslOoci Ihe area o/ Imilling s),slelll, n,e olher crileria lI'as Ihal Ihey were p{lrlicipating in Ihe lraining reccllfly. Fllnher crileria in seleeling Ihe adlllinisiralive slqlf were based 011 e,\periences and Ihose lI'ho l((ld direci relalion wilh Ihe Iraining center were ,I'elected as resJxlnden:s Jar Ilze swdy, In Ihe {In{llysis several jilClors thlll pushed individllals' 10 cOllllllif crillle ilI:d du 1II{II1Y illegal ((clivilies were idemiJieel. Of Ihose fac tors the IIIOSI serio liS ones like cXlrellle poverly, 10\1' educational background, and the 1)7)e of Occup((liontiley engaged ill b40re illlprisOlllllcm were idemijied ill order Ihlll Ihe rehabililalion process "wough ed/iCalion and Iraining would be sllccessful. A number of educalion and I('cilnical Irait:ing (II le(w for lillliled percenlage of Ihe prisollers were girel1. Metal lI'ork, \ruoel \l'Ork, bricklayiflg, lai/orillg, ,,,eaving, hairdressing, elllbroidety, accoullfing and (Jffice lII{(nagell/elifs \rere sOll/e of Ihe lrainings given in Ihe cenler, Signijicanl nUlllber of pris•oners ga ined {/ 101 ji'UII/ Ihe lrainillgs ill lIlany aspecIs, Econolllic adV(lnlage \I'as Ihe lIIajur aile; prisuners cOlild help Ihelllseives und Iheir falllilies, Nexi to ecollolllic, social alld p,l)'chological advClnlages were prolllinenl, which enabled Ihe prisollers 10 be illlerac'lil'e (llld psyc/wlogically Fee FOIII possible lIIel1fal dislllrbance, In facI, a IIl1m be,. uf 111<111 "Iso leal'lll ill regular eduwlion progralll in Ihe center frolll .;'''- J(I" gmde, 011 Ihe buses of Ihe fin clings sigllijicmlf conclusiolls were IIwde, Finally several recullllllellduliulIS lire /ul'\mrded ill urder "wi Ihe observable crilical problellls \rQuld be solved.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universtyen_US
dc.titleThe role of education and skills training at kallitti: the case of Addis Ababa city prison Administrationen_US


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