Planning and Design Processes and Organizational structures in Mass Housing: The case of Addis Ababa Integrated Housing Development Program

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Addis Ababauniversity


In the urbanized part of Ethiopia, the need for housing had always been eminent and Addis Ababa city, being the capital, has seen its fair share. In the past decade, the introduction of the Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) had presented Addis Ababa with providing housing opportunities for the mass population while fulfilling other objectives related to housing. Approximately 276,000 houses were built and jobs were created but the housing demand still remained. This accounted to many factors, one of which was the fact that much of the project was not completed in its designated time. The driving force for the research lies on the need for understanding about the IHDP, to find data related to how mass housing projects are produced and who the actors were that were involved in the planning and design process. The research has taken a case-study method for a better description and explanatory take on planning and design processes and organizational structures in the Addis Ababa IHDP. The research found several critical points regarding both design/planning process and organizational structures. From the organizational structure perspective, the research found that AAHDPO (which had to change its structure from product divisional to geographic divisional to the current matrix structure) is the constant actor that remained through different phases in the making of AAIHDP whereas other governmental, non- governmental and private actors participated in within different timelines with AAHDPO. There were cases of duplication of effort in organizations where there shouldn‘t occur and a lack of a proper monitoring mechanism (actor) for projects in AAIHDP. There is also no room given for the local community in the planning and design process. From the process standpoint, there have been issues with sequence in the LDP, NHD and typology preparation where typology precedes the first two. Consecutively, LDP & NHD preparation were given a time of 1 month whereas typology designs were given 60 days showing that the designs that needed more time to develop are given half the amount of time. The research finally puts forward recommendations for both design/ planning process and organizational structures. Recommendations such as less duplication of effort, participation of the local community in the design and planning process, a statement of a clear housing policy, a clear flow of design and planning process shall be considered. Key words: Design and Planning Process, Organizational Structure, Mass Housing, Integrated Housing Development Program



Design and Planning Process, ; Organizational Structure, Mass Housing, IntegratedIntegrate, Development Program

