Drinking Water Quality and Management Practices From Source to Household: The Case of Kombolcha Town, Ethiopia’
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Addis Ababa University
This research focuses on investigation of the existing drinking water quality of Kombolcha town
from the source to points of household tap in relation to safety and acceptability for users
concerning water quality parameters. The town gets its water supply from groundwater sources.
A total of 45 water samples were selected and collected from boreholes, reservoirs, distribution
mains and households. The pH, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity
(EC), Temperature, Total hardness, free chlorine residue, Manganese, Nitrate and Iron and
Microbiological (Total Coliform and fecal Coliform) parameters were determined. The result
was then compared with the WHO and Ethiopian water quality standards.
The results obtained show that for physical analysis except temperature the rest all parameters
were within the WHO permissible limit. The results for temperature were found between the
ranges of 22.5°C - 26.1°C. Based on laboratory analysis of chemical parameters the result shows
that total hardness is above the permissible limit set by the guidelines. Also, all chlorine residual
of the samples were found to be below the recommended values of WHO and national guidelines
except seven of samples. However manganese, iron and nitrate were within the permissible limit.
The result of bacteriological analyses indicated that Fecal coliform of all samples were zero
meeting WHO and national guidelines. But Total coliform of nine samples were above the
guideline`s limit ranging between 1-4 CFU/100ml.
In summary, with regard to the Physico-chemical parameters the water is safe and there is no
significant effect on the health of the users. The results of bacteriological analyses have shown
that some of the sample points are at risk. To overcome these problems regular chlorination is
recommended. It is also recommended that sampling and monitoring at different times is essential and analysis of additional water quality parameters should be undertaken.
Kombolcha Town, Water Supply, Who Standards, Water Quality