Assesment of Custumers Satesfaction on Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation

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Addis Ababa Universty


The objective of this study is to assess customers' satisfaction on Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation industrial customers in Addis Ababa. Considering that it will contribute a lot for the policy makers and for Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation Higher officials to oversee the treats of customer satisfaction. To conduct this study, one structured questionnaire was used for assessing the overall level of satisfaction of Industrial customers, factors determining overall level of Industrial customers ' satisfaction and level of employees' commitment. The result shows, that industrial customers were satisfied in many aspects of the service provided by the corporation. Such as: proper estimation and timely inspection, Fairness of new connection cost comparing it with its service, consultation service and electrical assistance when purchasing and installing their machines and generators, selection of quality of pole, cable, meter reading activity, quality of monthly bill, workers responsiveness for complain and questions and consumption tariff Moreover, the findings indicate that the customers ' are dissatisfied by emergency maintenance service, safety of workers and appearance of the indusoy; because how is the pole positioned? Line extended and meter fixed? Additionally the other factors of customer dissatisfaction arc the maintenance and warranty service for damaged properties, unexpected power interruption and offensive tariff of reactive meter. For this reason it's recommended that EEPCo should improve its service to satisfY its customers. IX



Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
