A Comparative Study of the Teaching Effectiveness of Freshman Program Complete and Preparatory Program Complete Teacher Education Graduates in Illubabor

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Addis Ababa University


The study aimed at comparing the teaching effectiveness of Freshman and Preparatory Program Complete teacher education graduates of 2006 & 2007 academic years in fllubabor Administrative zone. To this end, 62 Freshman and Preparatory Program Complete teacher education graduates; 57 department heads of the respective teachers; 23 school directors and vice directors; and 850 students were included into the study from 14 senior secondary schools as sources of data. The approach employed to undertake the study was a comparative design, and the instr.uments used to secure information from the data sources were observation checklist with rating scale and questionnaires for different types of respondents. In addition, . documentary sources were also used to supplement the secured information. Percentages, mean scores, t-test, One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Pearson's product moment correlation were used to analyze the secured data. Before administering the instruments pilot test was carried out and the results found to be rxy = +0.85, +0.77 and +0.87 for observation checklist with rating scales, teachers' and students' questionnaires respectively. Moreover, the inter-raters' such as department heads', director's and students' agreement on the items of the variables found to be a = 0.96. These indicate that there are positive and high correlation between the rounds of the observations, each item of the questionnaires and the items of different types of questionnaires. The results of the study indicated that there was a significant difference between the teaching effectiveness of Freshman and Preparatory Program Complete teacher education graduates, i.e., the form,er group performed significantly higher than their latter counter parts. However, no Significant difference was reported between teacher education colleges of universities in preparing both groups of graduates. The result also indicated that there was high and positive correlation between the academic background and on-the-job effectiveness of the Preparatory Program Complete teacher education graduates. Whereas the ESLCE results of the Freshman Program Complete graduates are very close to each other so that it becomes difficult to obtain the exact correlation between the on-the-job effectives and the national examination results. This might imply that despite the high expectation of the P PC group being competent in the campus duration; it seems reconsidering the intake results in EGSECE towards the Preparatory Program and in EHEEQC towards the Higher Institutions Program. Based on the findings, it is recommended that all concerned bodies need to give due attention 10 the preparation, recruitment, induction and empowerment of the secondary school teachers.



Teaching Effectiveness of Freshman Program Complete
