Is Contextual Vocabulary Teaching Being Effectively Employed in Grade Eleven
dc.contributor.advisor | Beriso, Italo (PhD) | | | Seid, Ewnetu | | | 2021-03-10T07:31:56Z | | | 2023-11-09T04:04:34Z | | | 2021-03-10T07:31:56Z | | | 2023-11-09T04:04:34Z | | | 2001-06 | |
dc.description.abstract | The object ive of thi s stud y is to in vest igate whether eYT is be in g effecti vely employed in Grade 11. So, to achieve this objective a case contro l cross-sect iona l inte rven ti on type of stud y was conducted on rand om ly sele cted sa mple size of 100 s tudents (50 as experim e nt al an d 50 as co nt ro l) and on ten 11th grade En g li sh teachers of th e fo ur gover~me nt sch oo ls - ETSSS (No. I ), YI2SS , l eSS and M II SS - in Addis Ababa to determine whether eVT is bein g effect ive ly employed in Grade II amon g the study p opulation as it is exp ec te d. To make the objective of th e study achievable, th en , a prestructured and pre-tes ted questionnaire was administered to know the attitud e, knowle dge and practice of both teach ers and stud en ts pertaining to eyT. Moreover, classro om obse rvations were conducted whil e the Engl ish te achers, teac he rs embraced in the study, were teaching vocabulary to counter- check wheth e r th e re sponses prov id ed to the question s on th e qu estionnaire correspond to w hat was being observed during th e te achin g-l earn in g process . Y H owever, prior to di stributing qu estionnaires and conducting c lass room observat ions, a pre-test was administered to both groups - experim e ntal and , control groups - to see wheth er a statistically significant difference wou ld be obse rved with regard to g rad e achievements of th e groups at the outse t. L ate r, after the two g roups were found out to be th e sam e in their abi lity, because t-observed w as less th an t-critical (i .e. to < te = 0.88 8 < 1. 645 at P < 0.05 ) whi ch by the same token means 'there is no s tati stica ll y s ign ifi ca nt difference', lesso n s with regard to eVT were tau g ht to stud ent s in th e experimenta l group 'fo r a period of one and a half months. After th e inte rv eotio n or teac hing, th en, a post-test was admini stered to both groups - experimental and control groups - to see whether a kind of progress would be observed as a res ult of the int erven t ion. Then, from th e resu lt s of the post-te st, it was found out that stu de nt s in th e experim ental group sco red very high grades in terms of average ( i. e. 64.9) whereas those in the control group obtained only 49.7%, thou gh th e two groups were th e sa me in the ir ability before the interve ntion. Of course, a very strong stati stica l difference was also observed betwe e n the two groups; t~ observed was g reater than t-critical (to < te = 55.7 > 1.64 at P <0.05) on th e exp erimenta l group s sid e w hereas it was vic e versa on the co ntr o l gro up's s id e (to < te = 2 .5 < 2 .575 at P < 0.005). In general, the two gro ups, though they w ere equ a l in their abil it y a s the res ults of th e pre-tes t witness ed, differed widely in th e ir resu lts of the po st te Moreover, the responses of the students, in the experimental group, to the questions on the questionnaire also indi cated that CYT is not being effectively employed. However, on the contrary teachers, in their responses to the questions on the questionnaire, revealed as CYT is being effectively empl oyed. This depicts that there is a big discrepancy between what the teachers believe and what is being exercised perta ining to CYT. This find ing, hence, warrants the pol icy makers or other authorities concerned to take appropriate measures to correct or solve the problem as regards CYT as much as possibl e. | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en_US | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa University | en_US |
dc.subject | Contextual Vocabulary Teaching | en_US |
dc.title | Is Contextual Vocabulary Teaching Being Effectively Employed in Grade Eleven | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |