A Contrastive Analysis of The Phonologies of Arbore and English

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Addis Ababa University


This study has five main parts. The first part is the introduction which gives an over-all description of the ph~nological nature of Arbore. This part aiso tries to explain the purpose and scope of the study. The second part is a description of the phonology of Arbore in more detail. It describes the segmental phonemes together with their respective allophonic variants and their distributions, the suprasegmentals, and lastly the distribution of the phonemes. The third part is a description of English phonology which covers the segmental phonemes and their respective allophones, the suprasegmental phonemes along with the distributions of the phonemes and allophones in a parellel form like that of the description given for Arbore. The fourth chapter is a contrastive Analysis of the phonologies of Arbore and English. This part deals with the predictions of errors from the point of view of the I~bore speakero The fifth and last chapter of this study consists of a conclusion. It presents a summary of the preceeding part§ and also attempts to point out the need for an additional and more complete study of Argore.



Phonologies of Arbore and English
