National Labour Information Network for Ethiopia (NALLNET)

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Addis Ababa University


Information is a vital resource in the economic development process. Information about labour enables us to utilise human resource and planning and implementation of projects. A number of organisation deal with matters directly or indirectly related to labour issues. Information is produced and used in those organisations. Labour information is also needed and used by other organisations and individuals in discharging productively their functions and responsibilities. Hence bringing together these parties in a network-like structure will be greatly help in coordination of efforts in processing data and sharing of information and resources. For the purpose of data and fact collection to study the existing situation and infrastructure facilities in the country, survey by questionnaire and interviews was conducted besides examining appropriate documents. A simple descriptive technique and systems approach are applied for data analysis purpose. The survey results indicate that existing labour information fac ility is inadequate and deficient. The organisat ion of data and information is very poor.~i ~ ~,i !'!'J t:lY1eth~!:" cr~.:!~ isa~~ j ('\ l:; concarnad with labour matters in a netwoLk-: ike structure could help to solve some of the existing problems and provide better services. It will be a single-window shopping for users of information. A plan for National Labour Information Network for Ethiopia (NALINET) is discussed. In order to initiate the networking formation of a Coordinating Body and Steering Committee are very suggested. The Committee will work on a number of technical and organisational issues. In the first phase, the Committee-will be involved in reviewing existing facilities and recommending meas?res for strengthening the infrastructure. as appropriate; and drafting a charter under which all participants of the network will work. The study identifies a number of functions that would be provided by each participant and focal point of the network and other issues that deserve the attention of concerned organisations and recommends measures to be taken.



National Labour Information Network for Ethiopia

