The School Principal Performance and It’s Relationship to Student Achievement in Secondary School in Western Shoa Zone

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Addis Ababa University


The major pwpose of the study was to examine the relationship between principals' peljarmance and student achievement in some secondary schools in western Shoa Zone. For the study purpose eight secondQly schools were selected by simple random sampling techniques among 12 secondary schools in Western Shoa Zone. Questionnaire was used to rate principal work efficiency. To rate principals' pel/ormances 50% of teachers were selected randomly by simple random sampling techniquesji-om each sample school and two wereda education administrators purposely participated in rating principal pel/onnances from each wereda education office on these sample schools. The sample schools students' GPA and different grade result in EGSECE obtained from students mark list from record office of each sample school. Pearson correlation moment also computed the data to analyze the relationship between principal performance and students achievement. The study revealed that there were significant relationship of teachers' perception of principal administrative function of planning and coordinating to students academic performance (2.00 and above GPA in EGSECE). The study correlated between wereda education administrators' perception of principal administrativefimction and students achievement (2.00 and above GPA in EGSECE). The resuil indicated significant relationship between principal administrative jimction of coordinating and entire administrative practices with students GPA. The other correlation computed between the subject teachers' perception of principal peljarmance and students subject passing (grade "c" and above in EGSECE). It showed strong relationship in principal pel/ormance and students (Amharic, Mathematics, Biology Afjim Ommo and Civic) achievement. Further the correlation computed among teachers and wereda education administrators' perception of principals' administrative functions and students total subjects grade "C" and ahove in EGSECE. The study result revealed that the principal administrative junction of coordinating in both of rating groups indicated a beller relationship with studellts academic pel/ormances



School Principal Performance
