The Contribution of Parental Education For Girls Academic Achievement The Case of Selected Regions in Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
The purpose of this study was to describe the contribution of parental education for girls academic
achievement. For undertaking this study, the relevant data were gathered from various relevant
sources, questions were set, dependent and independent variables were defined, tools for data
collections were developed and finally the data was analyzed and interpreted. The instruments
used for data collection were questioner, FGD, interview and observations. Parents (90), primary
school female students (90), teachers (36), principal and community leaders were the sample
respondents of the study.The study was carried out in 5 primary schools of Bahirdar Zuria and 4
primary schools of Guto Gida district. The data obtained were analyzed using percentage and also
coding, tabulating, graphing of the findings both in quantitative and qualitative manner. The final
analysis result indicated that, Parental education contributes in increasing the parents’
involvement in their daughter’s education. Parental education changes and increases the concern
of parents for the future of their girl child. Because parents know the benefit of education, parental
support for the basic needs and educational material need is increased. Parental education
reduces students’ absenteeism. Moreover, parental education increases the emotional attachment/
closeness of parents and children. From the above conclusion the researcher recommended that
awareness creation on parental education, making parental education as a crosscutting agenda,
link among stakeholders and organizing community dialogues on parental education is vital.
Selected Regions in Ethiopia