Effects of Student, Institution and Socioeconomic Factors on Female Students' Academic Success in Arba Minch University

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Addis Ababa Univerisity


The major purpose olthe stlldy was identification ol combined and relative effect of student, institution and socioeconomic factors on female students' academic success in AMU Relational study design was employed to achieve the abjectives of the study, PUl1)osive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques were employed to select samples for Ihe study. 180 female studenls and 36 academic staff members were partiCipated in the study. The independent sample /-lest results indicated that there was statistically significant difference between low and high achieving female students at the 0,05 level (2-tailed) for all the three factors andlor for the variables involved in the study. The multiple regression analyses indicated that Fom the three factors, the effect of studenl related factors was the most significant one which explained 67% ol the variance proporlion on the academic success ol female studenls and followed by inslilulion related faclors (46,8%) and socioeconomic factors (37,3%), The step-wise regression analyses indicated that/l'om student relaled factors, study skills had Ihe most significant effect on female studenls academic success wilh 60,4% of Ihe explanation power of the variance proporlion on female studel1ls academic success, followed by academic achievemenl molivation (5,2%) and fina lly by academic se!t:concept (1,5%) , From institution related variables, inslructors ' al/itude IOwardfemale studel1ls and inslruclor,I" classroom behavior (-/5.5%) took the largest share in explaining the variance proportion on ,ji!male students' academic success and followed by fac ilities and services (1 ,3%), And f inally, ,/i-om socioeconomic fileIOr,I', parents income was be able to explain 34,5% of the variance proportion on female students ' academic success and parents ' educational status was explained (2,8%) olthe variance proportion on fe male students ' academic success in AMU From the Iwo parents or guardians, mothers ' educalional and income status had the more significanl effeci on female students ' academic success in AMU Further analyses at variable level revealed Ihal F om the seven variables involved in Ihe study, sludy skills had Ihe 1'110.1'1 significant effect on female studenls' academic success in AMU and followed by instructors ' relaled f actors, academic achievement motivation, academic selt:concepl, parenls ' income, parents ' educational status and /inally byfacilities and services in AMU as depicted in Iheir descending order of eflect onfemale students ' academic success in AMU The cross tabular analyses showed Ihat inadequacies of facilities and services; negalive attitude of instruclors and Iheir poor classroom approaches; inappropriate study strategies employed by female sludents, poor academic self-concept and loll' academic achievementmolivation Fom Ihe side olfemale students had substanl ial effect on female students' academic success in AMU Provision ol lutorial classes, provision of Ira ining, improvement on Ihe grading system ollhe university, improvemel1l Fom Ihe side ol inslructors and female studel1ls were some o/,suggested proposals 10 IOckle the lOl l' academic success problem o/, female studel1ls in AMU Finally, based on the results of the study, provision effective, efJiciel1l and practical training, provision of tutorial programs, il1lroduction of Ihe pluses and minuses in the grading system, and celebration of "Girl 's Day " were some of recommended points to overcome the academic success problem offemale studel1ls in AMU



