Designing an Integrated Vital Event Registration System in the Case of Federal Vital Event Registration Agency
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Mekonnen, Abdi
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Addis Ababa University
Most people in Africa and Asia are born and die without leaving a trace in any legal record or official statistics. The inequalities in registration rates are large; developing countries account for 99% of the estimated 48 million unregistered births, with South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa together accounting for 79% of all unregistered births. Ethiopia is among the countries that have not installed national as well as regional civil registration and vital statistics systems.
The overall objective of the proposed project is to design an integrated Vital Event Registration System (IVERS) for the Federal Vital Event Registration Agency so as to register, birth, marriage, divorce, notification, death and causes of death and certification at national level. This study employed Object Oriented methodology and qualitative cross sectional case study design methods.
User requirement gathering were made through in depth interview and document analysis as major techniques to capture the core business process of the existing manual system. Accordingly, Unified Modeling Language was applied to specify, visualize, construct and document the architecture of a software system. The designed civil registration and vital statistics system registers all births marriage, divorce and deaths, issues birth and death certificates, notifies the authority birth and death from facilities/communities and compiles and disseminates vital statistics, including cause of death information.
The proposed project will have significant impact on the healthcare system, policy makers, legal and administrative users as it is intended to systematically lay a foundation for the implementation of a Civil Registration and Vital statistics system that enables access to easy and much flexible vital event information.
Designing an Integrated, Vital Event Registration, System in the Case of Federal Vital, Event Registration Agency