Implementation of School Improvement Program in Second Cycle Primary Schools in East Showa Zone: The Case of Young Lives Ethiopia Project Sites
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Addis Ababa University
The overall purpose of this study was to investi gate the current implementation status of SIP
program in East Showa zone of Oromia Regional State. The study employed descriptive survey
method. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from Dugda Bora and Ade'a
woredas. Both primary and secondary data sources were used. The primary data sources were
school teachers and stud ents from the two Woredas. The school principals, School Improvement
Committee (SIC) members, and clusters ' supervi sors were a lso the primary data sources.
Pertinent documents were reviewed and used as secondary data sources. The populations of the
study were 49 male and 15 female teachers, and 222 male and 118 female students of six
selected second cycle primary schools. School princ ipals, SIC members and clusters' supervisors
were a lso the data sources. Engli sh and Afan Oromo versions of self-administered
questionna ires, interv iew guides, FOD questions and observation checklist tools were used to
gather the data. The result showed that the learn ing and teachi ng activities to implement SIP in
the sampled schools was in a moderate status. The overall performance of school leadership to
impl ement SIP was not strong. The status of sampled schools in preparing safe learn ing
environment is moderate and encouraging. The involvement of community in school affairs was
low. However, the study revealed that girls are not free of threat and discrimination whi le
attending th eir educat ion in the sampled schools. On this point, the teacher and student
respondents were differed sign ificantly in their responses. Hence, th is needs fu rther research.
Implementation of School Improvement Program