Narrative Time and Mode in Minkuhkuwah Zeyfleyelu Mae’tso and Hezike Nabey
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Addis Ababa University
This thesis tries to explore the structure and application of the major narrative
techniques in Minkuhkuwah Zeyfleyelu Mae’tso and Hezike Nabey novels. In
this respect the main aim of the thesis is identifying the major narrative
techniques used in the selected books and analysing the recurring techniques
and their structure. To accomplish the objective of the thesis, I have tried to
review related and relevant literature regarding narratology. Thus, an attempt
has been made to go through the two selected books in accordance with the
application of the narrative techniques and their structures. Due attention has
been given in application of narrative time and mode.
In the analysis part, it is pointed out that in respect to narrative time, the two
literary texts partake similar narrative time. The stories in these novels are
presented in the form of long flashback and symbolic foreshadowing. Because
of this, the reader might find him/her self, connecting incidents of information
in the process of reading. Thus, this unnatural flow of events made them
similar to achronological order of time. Speed up or acceleration is the second
narrative time technique explored under narrative time with short discourse
time and long story time. Both novels are presented through acceleration
technique. Regarding frequency, it is found out that they have portrayed
similar techniques. With dominancy of singulative presentation, both novels
employed iterative and repetitive techniques. Hence, both novels happen to
have similar structure in respect to narrative time. In both literary texts the
amalgamations of different techniques helped the writers to stress on
thematically concerned areas.
Similarly, by employing the third person omniscient narrator, both narratives
made the reader a passive recipient of information since every point is
forwarded from the narrator’s perspective. On the other hand, some minor
differences in narrative mode have been observed between the two novels.
Comparatively, except in some very rare instances, Minkuhkuwah Zeyfleyelu
Mae’tso employ very small amount of scenic presentation unlike Hezike Nabey.
So, the use of summary and scenic presentation has direct and indirect
significances on the theme. Generally from the analysis of the two novels, it
can be concluded that they have employed similar narrative time techniques
and slightly different narrative modes.
Time and Mode