The Implementation of Apprenticeship Program in TVET Curriculum the Case of Some Selected TVET Colleges in Addis Ababa Region

dc.contributor.advisorAssefa, Meseret (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorYeshitla, Demeru
dc.description.abstractThe aim of thi ' thesis lIIas to investigate the sllccess and challenges encountered in implementing apprenticeship program in some selected TVET college in Addis Ababa. To this end, an allel71pt lIIas made to look into the link between TVET instilutes and Ihe world 0/ 1II0rk. The fundamental/actors affecting this link such as th: le.Jial ji-all7ewo.rk, wor'P.!..qje learning environmenls, roles of each parlicipating parly and Ihe stale of resources devoted 10 Ihe training have been assessed. A descriptive 'urvey method Hlas employed to identify the JJ1(!ior problems encountered in the course of implemenling apprenliceship training in 18 TVET colleges/aund in the Region. These sample TVET Col/eges were selected on the basi 01 purposive sampling. The subjects o.lthe study were / H Deans, /8 Vocational cOl/ncilor~. 270 Trainees ((l1d 1(' Illorkplace supervisors. The re.\polldel7fs sampling \lias carried Olll Ihrough purposive, availability, and random sampling technic/ues, depending on Ihe nature alld size of the sample respondents. iJ?(ormation's was gathered using questionnaires. il1lervie\lls, ob 'ervalions and documents. The result 0.( Ihe study depicted thaI, apprenticeship training was not backed by legal(,.wne\\lork and the selection of organizations was not based on some delined criteria. '{he readiness (?/the or'5anizations to cooperate \\las above average .lor gover/lmental a/ld beloll' average lor the private once. An allempt made LV enhance ./urlher cooperation/or instance by offering incentives were inadequate. Thus, trainees were exc:ludedfrom the training due to inadequacy of organizations. inconvenience of the training period and lack o.lfinancial supporl. Hence. it is concluded thaI trainees run the risks of not being insured for accidenls Ihat occllr on production activities and majority of the organizations didn'l pay trainees for their labor, for efforts made in Ihis regard was not salis/acIO/y. On lop o./this, in-school and out-ol-school supervision activities including visiling the apprentices and conducting tracer studies were far behind from the expectation. There./are, it is recommended to act according to the rule and establish some kind of regula/OJ)' body /0 /aci/iIQle and organize apprenliceship lraining by bringing all stakeholders to work together/or the succes~jit! implemenlalion of apprenticeship programen_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababauniversityen_US
dc.subjectSome Selected Tvet Collegesen_US
dc.titleThe Implementation of Apprenticeship Program in TVET Curriculum the Case of Some Selected TVET Colleges in Addis Ababa Regionen_US


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