An Assesment Of the Status Of Pre-School Education in Selected Public and Non-Governmental Kindergartens: the Case of West Shoa Zone Oromia Region.
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study was to assess the status of selected public and nongovernmental
kindergartens in West Shoa Zone. To this effect, descriptive survey method
was employed. Among the 13 woredas of the zone that have kindergarten institutions, six
sample woredas were selected purposively based on the number of kindergartens they
have and on the basis of their funding agencies. Thirteen kindergartens were selected for
the study. Accordingly, all public (3) and community (2) kindergartens were selected by
availability sampling met/wd. Four private and four NGO owned kindergartens were
selected through simple random sampling technique. 71 kindergarten teachers inc/uding
directors were selected using availability sampling technique. Furthermore, 1 zonal and
6 woreda level education experts were selected using purposive sampling technique.
Finally, 24 parents of KG children were randomly selected as a source of data for the
study. Different documents were also used as secondary source of information. Multiple
data collection instruments-questionnaires, interview and observation were used.
Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage and descriptive statements. Qualitative
data were transcribed and analyzed by summarizing the opinions of the interviewees or
by direct quotation of their voices whenever necessCifY to supplement the quantitative
data. The study showed that the contents of KG curriculum were irrelevant, essential
indoor and outdoor equipment and materials and instructional materials were
inadequate, lack of trained teachers, absence of assistant teachers and in-service
training, un uniformity of mediulIl of instruction, parents' lack of awareness and (ow
participation in kindergartens activities and ve,y limited and insignificant silpportive
services of govemment to kindergartens. Conclusively, the status of preschool education
was not implemented and found as pointed. out in the policy. Hence, updating the
curriculum, using qualified teachers, supplying essential materials, rendering necessary
supportive services, and follow up by pertinent bodies to improve the status of prese/lOol
education in kindergartens were among the maior recommendations