Level of Aflatoxin in Dairy Feed, Poultry Feeds and Feed Ingredients Produced by Feed Factories in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Aflatoxins arc one of the major faclors thai affect the quality and safety of feeds that arc
transferred into li vestock species and then to humans via animal sources of food (meal, egg and
mi lk). The objective of this study was to detect and quantify the level of aflatox ins (8 I, 82, G I,
G2 and total aflatoxin) in dairy feed, poultry (layer tInd broiler) feed and feed ingredients
produced in feed factories in Addis Ababa also 10 evaluate knowledge Attitude and Practice
(KAP) of feed producers and farmers in regard to feed qua lity and safety. A total of 42 samples
consisting of five dairy feed s, six poultry broiler feed s, six layer feeds and 25 feed ingredients
were collected from seven dairy and poultry feed factories found in Addis Ababa and ils
surroundings. Samples were analY.led using High Performance Liquid Chromalography after
cleaned up with lmmunoaffinilY columns. The eva lualion of KAP was done using a slruclured
questionnaire. In the feed samples analY.lcd, the aflatoxin B I levels obtained ranged from (5 1.66
to 370.51) ).Lglkg in dairy cattle feed; from ( 1,45 to 139.5 1) ).Lglkg in poultry layer feed; and from
( 16.49 to 148.86) ).Lglkg in broi lcr feed. In feed ingredients on the other band, afl atoxin B I levels
ranged from (2.64 to 46.74) J.1g1kg in maize grain; from Not Detectcd (ND) to 3.66 J.1g1kg in
wheat bran; from NO to 12.77 J.1g1kg in whcat middl ing; from D to 3.43J.1g!kg in soybean; and
from (110.93 to 438.86) J.1g!kg in nigcr seed cake. 100% of dairy fced s, 67% of poultry laycr,
67% broi ler feeds and 24% of ingredients con tained aflatox in in levels higher than the maximum
tolerable lim it set by the US Food and Drug Adminimation and Eth iopian Standard Agency. The
result of KAP assessmcnt revcaled that only 63% of fced producers and fanners had awarencss
about the formation of aflatox ins in fccds. In conclusion, dairy feed from feed types and nigcr
seed cake from feed ingredients were the most heavily contaminated with aflatoxi ns that need
better feed managcment by the producers and strong regulation by the government. There should
be regular monitoring of aflatoxin in animal feeds by the feed manufactures to prevent aflatoxin
buildup in dairy feeds, poultry feeds, and feed ingredients to ensure the health of an imals and
sa fe ty of animal source of foods like mi lk, egg and meat.
Afl atoxin, Feeds, Dairy, Poultry Layer, Poultry Broi ler, Ingredients