Some – Aspects of Ecological And Floristic Studies of Red Sea Mangrove (Avicennia Marina Vierh) and Marine Fungi From Mitsiua Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Ecology and floristics of higher marine fungi of Ethiopian coastal I'laters (at Nitsiua) of the Red Sea I'las studied from Sept., 1986 to Nay, 1987. 1100d and pneumatophores of Avicennia marina (mangrove) swetienia mhagoni (mhagoni) and Fagus sylvatica (fagus) were used as baiting substrates. Nangrove sUbstrate submerged in the sea and driftwoods from Hamlay Desiet were the main materials on which the study was focused. Besides, the study included supportive data from environmental parameters such as temperature, pH, salinity, secchi disc depth, dissolved I oxygen, and wood weight and strength losses. The occurrence of the fungi on the test wood blocks in relation to the environmental parameters and their selective effect on the test wood blocks is discussed. The environmental parameters mentioned above along ~Iith ecological factors such as heavy sediments in the water, etc. account for the occurrence of the fungi. The fungal decay rate on each substrate and 3 sites were studied in terms of weight and strength losses. Among the timber species mhagoni and fagus \~ere found to be the most susceptible and resistant species respectively. be moderately resistant. Nangrove wood was found to Marine fungi colonizing both test wood blocks in three sites and driftl-lOods in one site are listed and most of these are described and illustrated. Forty nine species of fungi were isolated and of which Periconia prolifica, cirrenalia tax. sp. and Culcitalna acrospora on test wood blocks and Periconia prolifica, dr i ftl-lOods Luhlorthia sp. I, Gnomonia sp. were dominant species. and ZaleriQO sp. on In all, 51 species are recorded on wood substrates collected from Mitsiua. Out of these 9 species ~Iere found growing only on test wood blocks and 30 species on driftwoods. The remaining 13 species were recorded on both these substrata. Of the total fungal taxa recorded, 22 species belonged to Ascomycotina, 1 to Basidiomycotina and the remaining 28 species to Deuteromycotina. The following 11 species I viz. (Ascomycotina) QJdympsphaeria tax. SP'I '!:!fllosarph,el.a tax. SP" al1d unidentified ut'litunicate fungus, (Deutcromycotina) cirrenaliq tax. sp., .Qi);U.QQ.Qqoi!Jm tax. SP'I l!.gJosynnema av!cElnn.t~ gen. et SPI nov., J;driella;.tax, sp'., Lasiodiploiqia tax. sp. I unidentified pycnidial"fl\tlgu~ ( unidentified hyphomycetous fungus and unidentified ' 'fuyceli~ sterilia are ne~l to marine mycocommunity. Of the total collections I 35 species are 9b1ig'atEi lfoiarille taxa. 50 species are ne~l records to the Red Sea in pailffi'icular and 17 species to the Indian Ocean in general. All of. ~h~nl\ a~e nel1 to the Ethiopian coast and are additibns to our kno\il;edge on the mycoflora of Ethiopia. 'I'heso findingi; also raisedth~ number of fungi colonizing AviQ.on llIarin.Jl from 7 to 27. The discoverier. suggest that the Red Sea in generaI'falldthe mangrove vegetation in particular support great numhers,:of ,fungal species. Also I the fung i along with other microbes i;111d"marille borers are organisms that are responsible for the degradatioJ\ of mangrove and othe,r wood substrates in setl ~later.




