Test Construction Skill and Assessment of Factors Affecting Test Analysis and Evaluation: The Case of Three Selected High Schools in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to determine to what extant teacher made tests
were effective. The research also focused on identifying the factors that inhibit
analysis and evaluation of test by high school teachers of Nifas silk sub city.
Moreover, qualitative description of the test was made by analysis of the test
papers the teachers set or prepared using the principle of test construction
checklist. In addition, by using questionnaire, relevant data were collected from
the teachers. Furthermore, interview was carried out to gather data from school
principals about the over all condition of the schools and about the factors that
limits the teachers from making post test analysis. The finding of this research
indicated that teacher made test qualities were not good in terms of the difficulty
level and discrimination power. The qualitative data analyses have also shown
that most of the test items were not constructed as per the principle of test
construction. The finding farther demonstrated that teachers were not in positions
to make post test analysis. Finally, it is recommended that to minimize the
problems associated with test construction; teachers should be encouraged to
engage in test item analysis