The Effect of Flexible Working Arrangements on the Organizational Commitment of Employees in the Case of the Economic Commission for Africa

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this research is to identify the effect of Flexible Working Arrangements (FWAs) on the Organizational Commitment (OC) of employees in the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). This study looked at the effect of the three components of FWAs that is flextime schedule (staggered working hours), compressed work schedule, and telecommuting (independent variables) on OC (dependent variable). To achieve this objective, the study applied a quantitative research approach and data was obtained from primary and secondary sources. 245 questionnaires were sent out to the employees of ECA and the returned yielding a response rate of 203 (83%). The data was analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 statistical programme by using various statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression. The Spearman’s correlation results showed that the relationship between Flextime Schedule and Organizational Commitment is positive with a strong relationship between the variables. Similarly, the correlation coefficient of compressed work schedule and Organizational Commitment is positive with moderate relationship between them. The relationship between Telecommuting and Organizational Commitment is also positive with a strong relationship between the variables. The results showed that flextime schedule, compressed work schedule and telecommuting had significant effect on Organizational Commitment respectively. Flextime schedule predicts Organizational Commitment higher than compressed work schedule and telecommuting. In addition, the effect of the independent variables (FWAs) on the dependent variable (OC) is above moderate. The three hypotheses were supported in this regard. The study recommends that ECA has to develop new and/or expand existing flexible solutions; hold extensive communication campaign on Flexible Working Arrangements; to assess the gaps in the implementation of FWAs; finally to identify and decide on the desired outcomes of Organizational Commitment of employees and the values/qualities required to achieve those outcomes



Flexible Working Arrangements, organizational commitment, Flextime Schedule
