The Status of Teacher Development Program in Oromia Colleges of Teacher Education

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Addis Ababa Univerisity


The purpose of this study was to assess the status of Teacher Development Program implementation in Oromia CTEs. The study drew upon both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Data was collected through self administered questionnaires, interviews and Focus Group Discussions. In addition, observation and document reviews were also made part of the process. Qualitative data was analyzed after it was organized through coding and categorization. Frequencies, percentages and mean scores were used to summarize demographic variables of respondents’ and describe variables used to measure respondents’ opinions on the status of the various subcomponents of TDP implementation. Chi-square was used to determine if there are significant differences among the three groups of respondents by institution in the frequencies of categories with regard to teacher educators’ knowledge on TDP and status of CPD portfolio. One way ANOVA was used to compare the means of different dependent variables between the three groups of respondents on different opinion questions when deemed necessary. It was found that there is significant contribution of TDP to improve the quality of education and positive development with respect to opportunities created to enhance teachers’ professional development. Professional development activities were consistent with the intention of the Education and Training Policy. However, the study indicated low level of commitment among teacher educators and low management support, and weak monitoring and evaluation system. It is recommended that greater focus be given to improve the situation as reform programs require strong follow up, commitment and strong management.



Teacher Development Program
