A Traditional Farmers Knowledge Assessment on Landraces and Technological Adoption on Improved Barley Varieties in Welmera and Ejere Woredas
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Addis Ababa University
The study was conducted in Welmera and Ejere woreda of West Shewa Zone in Ethiopia. The
woreda is known for barley production. The study used both primary and secondary data.
Multistage sampling techniques were used to select 100 barley producing farmers. Descriptive
statistics was used to describe variables under consideration and governing the adoption of
improved barley. The main objectives of the study were to generate information on a traditional
farmer’s knowledge on landraces and technological adoption on improved barley varieties and
to understand the socio-cultural significance of barley among local farmers. To achieve these
objectives, two PAs were selected from each woreda. Both women and men discussed the
comparison of local and improved barley, production systems and utilization in Ethiopia, variety
changes, socio-cultural importance (medicinal, ritual significance, myths) and beliefs of each
variety along with some other relevant use values of barley. A questionnaire on barley
knowledge, its production systems and socio-cultural life style of people related to barley
cultivation were developed. SPSS was used for data entry and management as well as descriptive
analysis. FGD were made at village level among groups of farmers on specific points led by the
principal researcher. Emphasis was given to women since the utilization of crops in the
households are their responsibilities. In addition, a few farmers were interviewed following the
questionnaire developed. Farmers reported that a number of different homemade dishes and
beverages can be made from barley landraces. These include difo-dabo, budena, kita, kinche,
marqa, akayi, qori, chuko and beverages like farso and arake. These different dishes and
beverages are prepared at regular times or on special occasions (e.g. New Year, religious and
non-religious social gatherings). Some of the dishes and beverages are used as sources of
income by suburban women who sell their products at markets or home. Farmers use folksongs
and proverbs to express the end use qualities of barley varieties. A survey was mainly carried
out to collect the indigenous knowledge of the local farmers on the use of barley, genetic erosion
of the local landraces and its maintenance. Here, using an interdisciplinary approach combining
ethno-botany and technology adoption to document a traditional farmer`s knowledge on barley
varieties in relation to their practices to identify their contribution to barley utilization. The
ethno-botany approach allowed us to determine the indigenous knowledge of local farmers on
barley. This knowledge is useful for participation in plant improvement or breeding program.
This knowledge also will help to conserve barley varieties and enable sustainable use of barley.
Hordeum Vulgare, Landraces, Farmers, Barley, Indigenous Knowledge, Technology Adoption, Ethnobotany, Ethiopia Folksong, Genetic Erosion and on-Farm Diversity