Stakeholders' Perceptions the Policy and P Ctice of Pupils' Promotion In Government Lower Primary Schools of South Gondar Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to examine stakeholders' perceptions of the policy and
practice of pupils , advancement in government lower primary schools of South Gondar
Administrative Zone, focusing on perceptions of stakeholders, practice of pupils'
advancement and factors affecting the practice of pupils' promotion.
In order to achieve the purpose of the study, descriptive survey research design was
employed. Samples of the study were 208 teachers, 34 directors and school cluster
supervisors 5 woreda education office heads, 6 pupils and 6 parents. Of the
respondents' teachers, head teachers and school cluster supervisors filled
que\"tionnaires, vvhile interview was conducted with woreda education office heads,
parents and pupils. Moreover relevant documents were also used as source of data.
The data collected Fom participants and documents were analyzed using both
quantitative and qualitative methods.
The result of the study showed that there was a diflerence among stakeholders in
perceptions o.lpupils promotion policy, teachers believed that grade repetition will
benefit lower achievers and pupils promotion to be based on tests and examination
results, whereas directors and supervisors believed that pupils promotion to be based
on continuous assessment results. The practice of pupils' promotion revealed that no
emphasis was given for pupils' academic competence; continuous assessment was
mainly used for the purpose of decision making of pupils' promotion. The practice of
pup.1s' ;,yomotion was affected by factors like large class size, lack of training of
teachers and' lack of active involvement of stakeholders.
Thus, based on the above results, it can be concluded that, since stakeholders have
dWerent perceptions of the policy and schools experience poor continuous assessment
and grade promotion practice which is conFonted by d~flerent hindering factors
,pupils promotion policy in lower primwy schools is not practiced as it is intended.
Finally, the study recommended that it is necessary to provide the opportunity for
teachers to understand the true essence of the promotion policy and the role of
continuous assessment in lower primary schools through organizing seminars,
con/ere]1ces and workshops; there should be active involvement of parents and other
stakehoiJers, the right and timely pro./essional support is also necessary for schools
Promotion In Government