Practices and Problems of the Implementation of Teachers' career structure in secondary Schools of Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose oj this study was to investigate the practices and problems oj the
implementation oj Teacher Career tructure in some selected government secondary
schools oj Addis Ababa. A descriptive survey method was employed Jor addressing the
objectives oj the study. The study consisted of five Sub-Cities, five secondary schools,
supervisors, principals, vice - principals, department heads, unit leaders and teachers. A
total of 150 respondents drawn from the respective Sub-Cities and schools were illcluded ill
the study. In addition to this, three Sub-City educational officers and five kebele educational
team leaders were also included in tlie study. To gather the necessary data, both open-ended
and closed ended questionnaires as well as interviews and document analysis were used. The
data gathered through closed ended questionnaires was analyzed using Statistical Packages
Jor Social Science (SPSS) such as percentage, mean and t-test while the data gathered
through open-ended questionnaires and interviews were organized, summarized and used to
supplement the information gathered through questionnaires. The results of this stud.v reveal
til at impracticality oj some selection criteria, unfairness of some evaluators, undue
interference of political bodies, overlooking some teachers during the selection of teachers
for career advancement (especially those who upgrade their educational qualification) and
lack of adequate training for both the evaluators and evaluatees to manage the career
scheme were serious problems revealed in the findings. The findings of the study further
revealed that evaluators have relatively better understanding of the career scheme and have
more positive attitude towards the scheme and TROPA. In addition, it was Jound that TCS
contributed low or has not brought any remarkable change in improving the socio-economic
status of teachers. Its contribution in improving the teaching -learning process and retaining
teachers in their profession was found to be low. Based Oil the findings oj the study the
conclusions drawn were: TCS brought low contribution to improve the teachers ' socioeconomic
status, to retain teachers in their proJession and to improve the teaching learning
process This could brought a negative impact on the improvement of quality oj education
.Finally, it is recommended that providing training periodically for both the evaluators and
evaluatees, undertaking subsequent modifications on the TeS promotion criteria; moreover
rewarding of teachers and provision of CPD programs would contribute to the effectiveness
of the TeS scheme .
Problems of the Implementation of Teachers