The Challenges of Blind Graduates During Employment: The Case of Arada Sub-city, Addis Ababa
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This study explores the challenges of blind graduates encounter in the realm of employment in
Arada Sub-city, Addis Ababa. The research also sought to investigate the ways in which the
challenges faced by the blind employee in relation to the employment procedures, criteria , employers attitudes, the feelings of blind graduates and sort of remedies to improve the
employability of blind graduates. The study employs a qualitative research approach specifically
case study research design. Accordingly, the researcher selected seven(7) sample population
from each of the groups who participated, living in Arada sub city. (3 male and 5 female) were
interviewed using a semi structured interview guide. The researcher has also used focus group
discussion (FGD) which involved seven participants, ( three males and four females). In all- purpose, seven individuals took part both in the interview and Focused Group Discussion. Then
the data collected was described with relating to the general and specific objectives of the study
based on the research questions. The study revealed that the current situation of employment is
very problematic and dearth of fair employment for blind graduates due to employers subjective
judgment on blind employees competencies, vacancy announcements on News papers are totally
in ink only that marginalize blind applicants, shallow employers' knowledge, awareness and
reservation to hire blind applicants, absence of braille vacancy announcement for blind
applicants, lack of enforceability of international and national legal and administrative
instruments for the employability of blind graduates, limitation in human and material resources
and assistive devices at the work environment, proclamations, rules and regulations are not
placed in private employers, psychological irritations on the side of the blind graduates. However, there are positive measures by government employers that blind graduates are
benefited from af irmative action, and employed in few education fields. Based on the
conclusions, recommendations are proposed to improve the present practice of employment of
blind graduates through awareness creation: Conducive environment should be created by
which employers and civil societies established in the name of persons with disabilities would
gain better awareness of employment challenges. All employers, the press and other concerned
institutions should focus on how job vacancy announcements are prepared in Braille and audio
formats in accessible areas near the working areas of the blind and the Ethiopian National
Association of the Blind to reduce the challenges and enforcing the existing legal documents. Employers should hire the proper assistant persons in advance as it is a right to the blind to
work productively to their utmost potential and it creates job opportunity for the sighted persons. Every necessary equipment should be available without hesitation and delay in the working
environment for