An assessment of Usaid/Aed contributions to Promote quality of primary education In Addis Ababa City administration
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
7l1e purpose of this study was to assess the contributions made by USAfDIAED to
promote quality of primary education in Addis Ababa City Administration. To conduct
the study. descriptive survey method was employed assuming that it helps to gather a
large variety of data related to the problem under consideration. The samples covered
two woreda cluster resource centers and f I schools clusters. principals of cluster
schools. supervisors. teachers. KETB members. City Administration and sub-City
education officials and USAiDIEQUfP jj stafJmembers. The samples were selected using
purposive sampling methods. The instrument used to collect data Fom education
officials. cluster school principals. supervisors and teachers was questionnaire. interview
was used to collect information to supplement the questionnaire Fom City Administration
Education Bureau and sub-City education officials. and project coordinators at National
and City levels. Semi structured focus group discussion was also held with purposefiLily
selected supervisors. teachers and PTAs. Moreover. a jield observation using checklist
was carried in the sample schools and document analysis was also done. The primary
data analysis was carried employing percentile statistical techniques. 77,e study revealed
that USAfDIAED contribution to enhance quality of primary education using Cluster
System approach was significant. To realize its objective USAiDIAED has conducted
various trainings that focus in developing teachers' professional competency. The inservice
teacher development program has introduced Active learninglstudent centered
teaching method and continuous assessment methodology in the schools. Pedagogical
support and supervision capacity has been strengthened at Woreda Cluster and School
Cluster level. USAIDIAED has also contributed in enhancing the capacity of leadership
and management of education to significant level. The trainings conducted In use of
various planning tools (PMfS. MiS and Projection Model) for strategic planning have
enhanced the capacity of education personnel to plan for quality education. 77,e study
also found that the implementation of the project has limitations. The trainings provided
were single shot trainings and there was no/allow-up support to principals. supervisors.
teachers or education personnel who were trained by the project. There was also high
turnover o.feducational personnel which became obstacle to implement properly the skill
and knowledge of training. The jinancial support provided by the project to cluster
schools to run trainings was insignificant in relation to the duties and responsibilities
given to cluster schools. The study recommended that USAIDIAED and City
Administration Education Bureau must take remedial measures to jill the gap and sustain
the programs implemented by the project. The good practices of strengthening the
capacity of teaching force should be scaled up and included in City Administration
Teacher Development and School Improvement Programs ofCEQIP