The Competency and Performance of Technical and Vocational Teachers in Selected Zones of Oromia

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Addis Ababa University


The principal aim of undertaking this research was to assess the competency status of current TVET trainers and factors adversely affecting their pelformance in selected zones of Dromia: Bale, East Arsi, West Arsi and East Shoa. Concomitant with this, answers to basic questions pertaining to, selection and recruitment process of trainers, supervisOly and professional support, adequacy of preservice and in-service training; trainers' technical, academic, mallagerial and social competencies, their capacity in preparing graduates, major constraints in their training activity and trainers job satisfaction were sought. To ·this end, a descriptive survey research method was employed for the study. The result of the study depicted that admission criteria to technical/vocational teacher education that based on EHEECE found unsatisfactOlY, selection and recruitment of trainers was not done efficiently. Current trainers were ill-prepared in technical skills they gained in pre-service and in-service training. Most trainers were under qualified and no adequate supervisOly and professional support for them. The study found out that trainers ' practical competency is low and current TVET training is a theOly-dominated one. Regarding social competencies, trainers were well at communication but poor in understanding students' diversity and difficulties. The study also confirmed TVET trainers were not in position to adeq'uately prepare their gradates in key skills and abilities required in the world of world. In general, it was concluded that many trainers/ teachers have adequate theoretical knowledge, but they lacked adequate practical technical skills and consequently they produced graduates poor in their technical abilities. Regarding the factors, the survey study found out that lack or absence of training raw material, dwmfed training budget, procurement problems, lack of qualification, lack of industrial experience, absence of their own commitment and insufficiency of physical facilities were the major constrains that impeded trainers pelformance. In addition trainers were greatly dissatisfied in recognition for their better peljormance, promotion prospects, with working conditions, in their social status, salary and other benefits as well as appraisal of their schools. Therefore, it was recommended that technical/vocational teachers training colleges' needs to review the content of the courses they offered. Trainees need be offered additional skill courses, and more practice time be arranged. In addition courses need be designed to integrate awareness creating and practice. DEB needs to provide skills gap training, on j ob training, in-staff training, capacity building undel'Iakings, experience share, and increase training budget to reasonable level. TVET institutions have to design mechanism to generate their own internal-income and work diligently with their trainers. Trainers themselves need to respect for their own their profession and must be loyal to ethics and be good models. Government needs to raise salmy package of TVET professionals as recently recommended in draft national TVET strategy.



