English Language Teachers' Attitudes Towards and Treatment of Female Students
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Addis Ababa University
The study aimed at providing information on English language teachers'
attitudes towards and treatment of female students in mixed-sex EFL classrooms
in selected government high schools in Addis Ababa. The research procedure
followed in the study included administration of a questionnaire to 10 female and
30 male teachers teaching English in grades 9,10, and 11 and Teacher
Treatment Inventory Scales to 120 male and 120 female students currently
attend ing the forty teachers' language classes, and observation of 20 teachers in
language classrooms.
A trial was made to investigate (i) the attitudes of English language
teachers towards female students; (ii) how female students were treated as
compared with male students; (iii) similarity and differences of teaching behaviour
between male and female teachers, and (iv) the relationship that exists between
teachers attitudes towards female students on the one hand and the actual
classroom treatment on the other.
The necessary data was collected from (i) the questionnaire; (ii) the
Teacher Treatment Inventory Scales and (iii) the classroom observation. The
data obtained from these sources were analysed. The results of the analysis may
be summarized as follows: Both male and female English language teachers
have positive attitudes towards female students and treat male and female
students equally. It was observed that there was similarity between teachers'
attitudes towards female students and the actual treatment in the classroom
interaction. It was also found that there was no difference in the teaching
behaviour of male and female teachers especially in their attitudes towards and
treatment of female students. The analysis showed that from the three TTl scales
significant differences were not obtained between male and female students'
perceptions of teacher treatment.
On the basis of the findings, recommendations concerning further
researche are stated
Language Teachers