Factors Affecting Bugdet Utilization in Government Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Tvet) Colleges in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
'lJie purpose of tfiis stuay is to assess factors tfiat affect 6ucfget utifization of C;overnment
<['VE/r Co{feges in }laais }l6a6a City}ldininistration. 'lJie stuay was condilctea in 3 seCectea
co{feges ana 2 concerned" offices for tfie stucfy. In order to reCate tfie fintEings of tfie stucfy,
aaequate reCatea {iterature ana aocuments were reviewed". 'lTie aescriptive survey metfioa was
e1llp{oyea to conauct tfie stuay. Out of 1 05 questionnaires aistri6uted", 94 were co{fectea ana
usea as source of aata. 'Furtfiermore, interview aata 06tainea froml 0 'Finance ana 'Economic
(J)eve{opment (]3ureau officiaCs, experts ana autEitors 'were usea as source of aata. 'lTie sources
of aata for tfiis stuay are co{fege (J)eans, (J)epartment ana section fiead's, ana }ldininistration
ana finance staffs. Sampfing preferrea for tfiis aata was purposive sampfing. Qyestionnaire
ana interview were tfie aata gatfien:ng instruments empCoyea ana aocuments aCso usea for aata
co{fection. 'lJie Co{fectea aata were anaf'yzea mainf'y using percentage, frequency ana Pi- Cfiart.
'lJie stucfy re'veafea tfiat tfie <['(}ET Co{fege's 6uaget aominantf'y comes from go·vernmellt.
Interna{ income was aCso founa to 6e aatEitiona{ source. 'E'ven tfiougfi tfie co{feges fiave interna{
income, tfiere was Cack. of transparency on its impfementation. 'lTie a{Cocatea 6uaget for tfie
co{{eges were not fulf'y utifizea 6ecause of fess participation of concernea persons, inaaequate
nU1ll6er of finance personne{, Cack.of crear fine ana aefinea rofes ana reguCations, ana a6sence
of recognition on 6asic concepts of financia{ ana adininistration ana 6ucfget management. 'lJiis
sfiows tliat tlie a60ve stated" pr06fems fiaa liinaered" tlie Co{feges' proper 6ucfget uti{ization. In
figfit of tfiese finaings tlie stucfy conc{uaea tliat, 6esiaes government 6ucfget it is necessary to
gi've attention to indude interna{ income as one source for 6ucfget a{Cocation purpose 6y
finance ana 'Economic (J)eve{0p111ent (]3ureau. Impro've tlie competency of financia{ personne{
1Ilainf'y tfirollgfi training, ana mafi..jng necessary a11lendinent on financia{ rufes ana reguCation
ana otlier conl1nenaa6fe recommenaatioll to improve 6ucfget impfementatioll ill tlie co{{ege.
Government Technical and Vocational Education