The Practrce of Training Programs Financed by Ngo's in Gurage Zone
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Haile, Kifle
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study wa.s to examine the practices and challenges related to the
training programs financed by N'GO's and offered to the teachers and Woreda
Education Officers in Gurage zone. The study adopted the descriptive survey method .
Data were gathered using questionnaires, interviews, and observation of the training
sessions. The sources of the data were trainees, trainers, education program officers
and some related documents. Samples for the study were selected using simple
random sampling techniques. The sample size of the study was 216(54%). Data were
analyzed using the independent means, t-test, chi-square and percentages. Results of
the data analysis showed that trainees have low level of education compared to the
expertise needed for teaching at the level they are serving. Moreover the findings
clearly indicated that trainees were attending the training programs only because they
were invited to so. Additionally, low level of the practice of need analyses, incomplete
system of designing the training, passive participation during the delivery of the training,
non participatory nature of designing and evaluation of the training programs, and
failure to properly use feed backs gathered were some of the major constraints
hindering the practice of the training programs. The study suggested that to make
training programs strategic, and goal oriented training need assessment, designing the
training, recruitment of the trainees and trainers, delivery, evaluation and utilization of
feed backs have to be carefully executed by participating responsible stake holders.
Moreover, the representatives of all the stakeholders of the education programs for
which the training programs have been organized should be made to involve by the
unreserved efforts of the financing NGO's and Woreda Education Officers .
Training Programs Financed by Ngo's