Air Traffic schedule: the case of Bole International Airport.

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Addis Ababa University


This thesis is limited to the presentation of the single-server waiting line systems with Poisson arrivals and exponential service times. Waiting systems are stochastic mathematical models and they represent the describing base of the waiting phenomena, service processes and appropriate performance measures. The objective here is to describe the state of waiting line phenomena at Bole international airport and then improve its performance measurements. The data collected from Ethiopian civil aviation authority is then analyzed using mathematical models of queuing theory to determine performance characteristics of the Airport under steady state. Finally, solution results show that performance characteristics of Bole international Airport can be improved by either increasing the service rate or by adding new servers (runways) so that more aircrafts can be served simultaneously. Based on these results, recommendations are provided. Key words: Waiting line Models;queuing theory; waiting system; waiting line; Utilization rate; arrival rate; service rate;and queue discipline.



Models;queuing theory; waiting system; waiting line; Utilization rate; arrival rate; service rate;and queue discipline.
