Groundwater Potential Zone delineation using GIS and Remote sensing Techniques in Sululta and Surrounding Watershed, Ethiopia

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Groundwater was recognized as one of the most valuable natural resources, immensely important and dependable source of water supply in all climatic region of all over the world. The general objective of this study was to delineate groundwater potential zones of Sululta and Surrounding watershed using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing techniques. The present study integrated the thematic layers viz., Geomorphology, geology, soil, slope, Land use/Land cover, drainage density, lineament density, rainfall and other related features to delineate the groundwater potential zones using geo-informatics techniques. Integration of various themes was achieved through the development of a models/assigned weightages delineates groundwater potential zone and finally to generate a composite map. About 20 bore wells yield data had been collected to quantify the yield from groundwater potential zone map derived from geo-informatics. The final result map was reclassified into four groundwater potential zones by integrating GIS and Remote Sensing techniques and weighted overlay analysis with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. The classifications are very high, high, moderate, and low groundwater potential zone. Weight age and ranking scores are assigned to each thematic layer with respect of influencing rate of water percolation. Finally, weight age, multiply by ranking and computed all the multiply values for delineation of groundwater potential zones. The produced result was verified by comparing with the existing groundwater borehole databases developed by the Department of Minerals and Geoscience, Malaysia (JMG). The results show that there are good agreement between the predicted groundwater potential map and the existing groundwater borehole database. The study concludes that majority of the area covered by very high potential zones as it is supported by the statistical data of groundwater borehole wells and the new generated predicted groundwater potential map. The study suggested that, generated GWPZM will serve as useful guidelines for planners, engineers and decision makers providing quick decision- making in the management of groundwater resources.



Ground water Potential Zone, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems
