Intra - household Preference and Willingness to Pay for Improved Malaria Prevention."

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Health is one of the most important things which affect human well-being. Due to its strong relation with well-being, health often treated as an economic good which has some value. But, in most of the cases due to lack of market for health goods different health programs face a serious obstacle in identifying the economic benefits of health provision or economic cost of lack of access for such serv1ces. This study applies the double bounded contingent valuation method to elicit the individuals' WTP for improved malaria prevention by constructing a hypothetical market. Two scenarios, a hypothetical drug and environment cleaning program were presented for 271 respondents. The aim of the study was to estimate WTP between two groups of respondents having different proximity to Koka Dam. Those respondents from within three kilometer radius of the Dam considered as intervention group and the rest far away from the dam above 8 kilometers were considered as control group. The econometrics results indicate that, variables like female, yearly income, home ownership and being in intervention site are quite significant variables in explaining the individuals probability of 'voting' for the programs and the amount for WTP. The study also revealed that there is a starting point bias when the follow-up bid is introduced. Annual Mean willingness to pay for the hypothetical drug scenario is estimated at Birr 86 for intervention site, Birr 85 for control site, Birr 108 for husbands, and Birr 92 for wives. On the basis of the findings, the following policy recommendations were forwarded. Existence of expressed demand for improved malaria treatment calls for Supply-side policy interventions. Strategies should be designed to motivate those who can pay for Cost sharing but not marginalizing the poor. Considering environment correction as one means to reduce the malaria burden is also suggested.



Household Preference, Improved Malaria Prevention

