The Tate of Research and Research Outcomes Utilization for Educational and Cultural Development in Borana Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The study examined the situation of research works, outcome utilizations and contributions
10 foster education and culture in the pastoralist Borana context. The available researches
related to education were identified and reviewed. Eight interviews with researchers,
concerned program taffs, education officers were conducted and private discussions with
five informants were held. Nine individuals participated in FOD held at fabello. Site
observations, illustrative case studies and researcher's personal diary were added to
strengthen the validity. The results indicate that there were studies conducted by NODs for
program purpose. The investigation made on these researches asserted that however they
address the problems of the education system; they did not reach the appropriate bodies
for implementation. There were very limited utilization of research findings for the purpose
they were intended. The short-range studies such as baseline surveys conducted by NODs
were utilized and have contributed on increasing coverage and enrolment. Research for
education improvement and tackle cultural barriers on girls' education remain at infant
stage. The findings show that to improve quality, relevance and girls' parity require
undertaking comprehensive research. As well, the study showed that conducting in-depth
research and integrating the livelihood with the education of the children and adults
learning are important. The findings confirmed as the stakeholders have keen interest to
use research outcomes, in spite of their budget constraint to fund researches. The study
recommends the importance of establishment of a library in Borana zone, and organizing
and documenting the available researches for reference. This study finally calls for the
attention of the government and NODs involved in education programs in Borana zone to
encourage and fund more in-depth researches