Teachers' Perception of active Learning and their Classroom Practices in English Language Classes: the Case of Mettu Secondary and Preparatory School

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Addis Ababa Universiy


The main purpose of this study was to explore teachers' perception of' active learning and their classroom practices in English language classes of Meltu Secondary and Preparatory school. To achieve this, specific objectives were set giving due emphasis to perception and knowledge of active learning, teachers' practices in selecting active learning strategies and challenges those hamper effective implementation of active learning respectively. It was a descljjztive case study which was used in the study. Based on the focus of the research work, the subject of the study were all English language teachers in the school under study. The method of samJ!ling employed was availability sampling since only four English language teachers who were carrying out the teaching learning process during the researcher's stay in the school~ere participated in the study. This happened since three of the seven English language teachers in the school were not around during the study. Data were gathered through questionnaire, classroom observation and in; view. Data collected through questionnaire were discussed using mean values since using percentage is misleading. On the other hand, data that were gathered through classroom observation and illlerview were analyzed qualitatively in descriptive words. The findings of the study reveled that the main implementers of active learning (teachers) have a blurred perception of active learning; as a result, their practices of active learning were low. Among serious factors affecting implementation of active learning, lack of interest and attitudinal resistance, poor instructional facilities and classroom setting, and lack of orientation and training were the major ones. Finally, on the basis of the findings, it was recommended that teachers have to be well equipped with basic knowledge and skills that could help in fostering critical thinking and problem solving capacity of the learners. Thus, concerned bodies have to plan for continuous raining and orientations on the nature, practice and relevance of active learning in English language classes.



Active Learning
