Assessment of Knowledge and Associated Factors Regarding Colostomy Care Among Staff Nurses Working in Surgical, Icu and Oncology Units at Selected Public Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,2017
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Addis Ababa University
Background:Colostomy is a stoma which is formed after removing the large bowel or colon
and is opening in the abdominal wall that’s made during surgery. The care of patients with
colostomy is a complex, challenging and lengthy process. Nurses who care for colostomy must
have knowledge and skills to carry out the procedures with safety and precision.
Objective: To assess knowledge and associated factors regarding colostomy care among Nurses
working in Surgical, ICU and Oncology Units at selected public hospitals in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia 2017.
Methods: Institutional based quantitative cross-sectional study design was conducted in surgical
wards, intensive care and oncology units of the five randomly selected public hospitals in Addis
Ababa from March 15 to April 30, 2017. Simple random sampling technique deployed using
structured self-administered questionnaire. Data was entered into Epi-data version 7 and exported
into SPSS versions 20.0 for analysis. Descriptive statistics including, frequencies, proportion,
mean and standard deviation was demonstrated by using tables, graphs and texts. Bivariate and
multi-variate logistic regression analysis was computed considering p<0.05 to be statistically
Results: Overall 51.3% have a good knowledge of giving colostomy care.Those nurses who
had greater than 97 months a clinical experience {(AOR=3.3;(1.481, 7.394)} and nurses who
gave care for greater than ten patients within the last six months {AOR=3.3; 95% CI (1.480-
7.394)}, nurses who were participated on training of colostomy care within the last six to eight
months, referred related literatures on colostomy care within the past 6 months, attended
colostomy scientific meetings and those who had been reading professional literatures regularly
was found to be to have a significant association withgood knowledge of colostomy care {
AOR=1.9; 95% CI (1.054,3.467)}, { AOR=2.0; 95% CI (1.101, 3.502)}, { AOR=2.7; 95% CI
(1.208, 5.843)}, { AOR=1.83; 95% CI (1.062,3.153)} respectively.
Conclusion and recommendation: The study revealed that half of nurses (51.3%) had good
knowledge on colostomy care. There need to design and implement knowledge increasing
training program on colostomy care
Key words: Colostomy care, Staff nurses, Knowledge
Colostomy care, Staff nurses, Knowledge