The Current Educational Decision Making Practice and Implementation in Some Selected Governmental Secondary Schools Of Addis Ababa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
The extent to which schaul leaders experience a team work and participate in the
practice oj'school decision IIIlIking has been viewed as a means 0/ satisfjling both
organizational ohjective and their need. The plllpose of this stlldy is to investiga te
the current pf'(lctice 0/ "dllC{ltio nal decisiun making and impleme ntation in
guvernment secu ndary sch""I.I. Bes ides it intends to evaluate the level to whi ch
secondmy school leaders' practice decision making and implementatior. to resolve
prohlems in teach ing learning process. The method employed in the stlldy was a
descriptive survey. QuesfionJ1uil'e, interview and review of documents w ere used 10
col/ect dut f /i'om 13 Prin cipals. 26 Unit leaders. 52 Department Heads and 150
Secondmy S{jhool Teachers randomly selected 13- government secondary schools in
10 sub-cities of Addis Ahaha city administration. Level a/participation in decisio n
making. and implementatiol1 lI'ere measured hased on 50 decision stotements which
were grouped IInd er eight IIIlIjur decision altegories. A correlation hetween decisionmaking
and implementation II'lIS computed. A significant rela tion hetweer. decision
making and implementation lI'erejiJUnd among eight decision categories. The pallern
of responses sllggested that teachers have relatively less involvement in decision
making. lvhereas principals 1111'" the lion share. Teachers reported thaI there is a
need for actual participation in decision-making processes. so as to become part of
the decision and implementation. Finally. the res earch investigates that teach ers
prefer participating in the academic to the administrative aspec ts of school
leadership and indicated th e need/or adoption of shared decision making. Because. it
allows greater involvemel1l " /Ieachers in decision-making. which is an important
aspect af' the decentrakaliol1 policy of' school-level-decision making and an
alternative to the top-down hlirellllcratic system of schooling.
Current Educational Decision Making Practice