The Effect of Employee-Employer Relationship Towards Organizational Performance: The Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
This research paper aims to examine the effect of employee-employer relationship practices on
the organizational performance: A case study of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. The finding of
this study is expected to be valuable to the service industry especially banks to emphasize in their
HR policies and come up with the right solution to improve their employee relationship
practices. This research primarily was primarily intended to fill the gap by emphasizing the
advantage of healthy employee-employer relationship toward organizational performance in
Banks. To address the research objective 390 sampled respondents were selected. Purposive
sampling techniques were used to collect the data from the branches. 390 questioners were
distributed; from which 386 sample respondents replied appropriately to the questionnaire. Data
gathered were analyzed based on these 386 responses using SPSS 20 software package.
Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics research approach were employed. All out puts
were reported using frequency, correlation and multiple linear regression analysis results such
as ANOVA and regression coefficient results. The result indicates that communicating ways,
leadership styles, grievance handling procedure, and motivational compensations systems had
statistically significant and positive correlation with organization performance. The study
recommended that the bank ought to be provides employee recognition which encourages them
to perform better at their job duty, establish and modify a prompt and effective grievance
handling styles and create an open dialogue
employee-employer relationship, organizational performance, organizational performance