Exploring Teachers' and Parents' Roles in Helping Pupils Learn Reading

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Addis Ababa University


The main objective (j·this study is to investigate problems pupilsfilce in their practice and learning to read. It also checks whether teachers and parents use their roles in early reading or not. To collect data based on the objectives provided above, instruments have been used. These are: structured observation, tests, structured interview, open-ended interviews and unstructured/ocus group discussion. The data were organized and ana~yzed more of qualitatively. As a result, the findings indicated that teachers were unable to use appropriate methods, teaching aids and reading materials in the classroom. The pupils ' lower marks cOll(irmed that the parents ;lid not help their children at home. The reasons and solutions related to problems 0/ learning to read were also found out using semistructured interview and focus group discussion. The ineffectiveness 0/ teachers' and parents ' roles in learning to read resulted in making the pupils have lower level of reading ability. Eventually, it was recommended that teachers should be trained to make them use of appropriate methods, teaching aids and reading materials. Strengthening the relationship between teachers and parents, making the children attend pre-school education and having the access 0/ reading rooms and libraries were also put as solutions to al/eviate the problems.



Exploring Teachers' and Parents' Roles
