Validation of Amharic Version MPOC-2 among Parents of Children with Chronic Disease in TASH, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021.
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Addis Abeba University
Background: Family-centered care is a fundamental approach to plan and deliver healthcare
services for children and their families in collaboration with health professionals. Assessing
the provision of family-centered care ensures the importance of family involvement evaluate
the method of existing care. FCC has to be considered as best practice in pediatrics and used to
clarify the parental misunderstanding about the care given for their children and helps to. A
measure of Processes of Care (MPOC) is a crucial tool to evaluate family-centered care. Even
if the concept was difficult to address; presence of reliable and valid MPOC tool was used to
fill the gap related to the parental perception about the care.
Objectives: To examine validity and reliability of Amharic version of measure of the process
of care-20.
Methods: Institution based cross-sectional study was conducted to measure the parental
perception of the care they received using the MPOC-20 tool. Stratified sampling method was
used to allocate sample to each unit proportionally, then consecutive sample was used to
collect data. The instrument was translated to Amharic and back to English to comprehend and
ensure readability of the questionnaire. Factor analysis was performed to assess the construct
validity and reliability of MPOC-20. For each of the factors, Cronbach’s alpha value was
computed to determine the internal consistency of the Amharic version of MPOC-20. Data
were entered via Epi data version 4.6. EFA was analyzed by using IBM SPSS version 25.0 and
CFA by SPSS AMOS version 24.0.
Result: The factor structure of the Amharic version MPOC-20 was examined by using
principal axis factoring with Varimax rotation to explore the factor structures. Five items were
removed from the original MPOC 20 items, and 15 items were loaded into three factors. The
three-factor model explained 47% of the total variance in the Amharic version MPOC-15.
Cronbach’s alpha was calculated to determine the internal consistency reliability of the factors
in the Amharic version MPOC-15 and shows to had good overall internal consistency with
Cronbach’s alpha value of .88. CFA suggests that measuring indices of the three-factor
structure of MPOC-15 had an acceptable fit model.
Conclusion: This study shows that the Amharic version MPOC-15 is valid and reliable with
three-factor structure model to measure psychometric properties of the parents of children with
chronic disease for evaluating family-centered care in the study population.
Family-centered Care, MPOC, Children, Chronic Disease, Parent, Validity, Reliability