Female Students' Stream Choice in Preparatory School Vis-a-Vis 70:30 Ratio in Addis Ababa: The Case of Medhanialem Preparatory School
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to examine major factors that influence stream choice of female
students in Medhanialem preparatory school in Addis Ababa. Mainly, it aimed to examine female
students'stream choice in relation to 70:30 ratio. To achieve the objectives, data were collected
from 278 female students (176 from natural science and the remaining 102 from social science
stream), 48 teachers, two school principals and two guidance and counselors using
questionnaires and interviews. The documents of students' enrollment across streams were
collected from record office of the school under the study. The collected data through
questionnaires and documents were analyzed in terms of percentage. The data collected through
interview were analyzed through narration. The analysis revealed that, even though there was
fluctuation, the total trend of female students' enrollment in natural science stream in six
consecutive years is increasing and it seems in line with MOE (ESDP IV, 2010111). The findings
also showed that, female students' stream choice was influenced by individual interest, lack of
guidance and counseling service, parentallguardian attitude, teachers ' attilude and societal
al/itude. The effect of peers influence on female students' stream choice was not significant as
the study showed. The result obtained also showed that female students were placed against their
interest in natural science only to fulfill the requirement of 70: 30 ratio. Hence, attention need to
be paid to: a) individual interest of female students while placing in different streams (b)
creating awareness on 70:30 ratio to increase their enrollment in natural science by their willing
and organizing campaign and celebrities at lower grades which involve different stakeholders
(c) improving overall contribution of guidance & counselors by aligning their plan with the
school's developmental plan (d) motivating teachers by giving training and awarding those who
better contribute and encourage females' education. (e) Organizing natural science club at all
grade levels.
Female Student' Stream Choice