Adoption of Coffee Technologies and Their Impact on Annual Yield in Jimma Zone South Western Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Sector of agriculture plays a significant role in Ethiopian economy. Ethiopia has huge potential to increase coffee production as it endowed with suitable elevation, temperature, and soil fertility, indigenous quality plantation materials, and sufficient rainfall in coffee growing belts of the country. Adoption of improved coffee varieties and slashing with a recommended period of time together have a significant effect on coffee production. The study was aimed to see the determinant of adoption of coffee technologies and their impact on annual yield of coffee in Jima zone south western Ethiopia. 196 sampled households from three woreda in the zone and 430 plots of 196 farmers household is considered in the survey. This study develops a multinomial logit and a multinomial endogenous switching regression model to see determinant of adoption and impact respectively. The study revealed four major results. First adoption rate and intensity of coffee variety is greater than the management practice. Second, adoption of coffee technologies constrained by different factor like land shortage, inaccessibility in technologies, lack of information and high cost of labor constraint farmers in adoption coffee technologies in addition to these constraints the disease and weeds which faces in farmers land leads them to replace coffee by chat. Third, from the multinomial logit model farmers adoption of coffee technologies determined by three major category these are farmers resource factor, the second determining factor is the institutional factor, the third factor farmers specific characteristics. Fourth, greater annual coffee yield obtained from simultaneous adoption of both improved coffee variety and management practice. This implies that policy makers, coffee breeders, extension service provider and other stakeholders promoting a combination of technologies can enhance annual coffee production. Key words: coffee technologies, yield, multinomial model, southwestern Ethiopia


