Daily Rainfall-Runoff Modeling for the Beles River Catchment.

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Addis Ababa University


For an effective and sustainable water resource planning and management, the need for complete and reliable hydrological and meteorological data is unquestionable. To get such data there is a need to develop and maintain hydrometric stations in proper networks. Presently in Ethiopia most of the available gauging stations are located nearby access roads. Because of this situation, most of the rivers which are inaccessible to roads are not gauged. Beles River basin, a sub-basin of the Abay basin, is a basin whose vast area is ungauged, as there are only two gauging stations on its upper part and all its lower parts are ungauged. In this research hydrological models are used to solve the above indicated problem on the Beles sub-basin. Three Rainfall- Runoff Models are tested on the upper Beles catchment, namely the RRL SMAR, RRL Sacramento and RRL Tank models. For all these models calibration and validation are done using the required input data. Evaluation and selection of suitable model for the catchment is carried out following the objective criteria: Nash-satcliffe efficiency (Reff); Efficiency using ln(Q) (logReff); and Coefficient of determination (R2). The RRL Sacramento Model scored the best result among the three Models for all objective functions, and therefore it is selected. Since upper and lower Beles are hydrologically homogenous, the calibrated RRL Sacramento model for the upper Beles are used to the ungauged catchment of Lower Beles without changing its parameter. However, the Sacramento Model result by itself is not found satisfactory, since there is no meteorological station on the Beles catchment and the data used for this study is by transferring data from nearby station, considering the distance between the station and the catchments area. This kind of transferred data can not be the same as the real station data, creating low performance the model. vi Keywords: unguaged, Beles, model, gauged, RRL SMAR, RRL TANK, RRL Sacramento, catchment, Calibration, Validation.



Unguaged, Beles Model; Gauged; RRL SMAR; RRL TANK; RRL Sacramento; Catchment; Calibration; Validation
