Assessment of Employee Performance Management System (A case study of Ethio-Telecom)
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Addis Ababa University
Performance management systems is always a big concern of any organization. An organization
should manage its human resources effectively and efficiently by creating alignment between the
overall strategic aims of the company with individual and team goals in order to overcome the
present and future challenges. The main purpose of this study is to assess employees
Performance Management system of Ethio telecom. Particularly, the study tried to address the
basic questions of how Ethio- Telecom creates understanding of its EPMS to its employees, to
what extent employees of Ethio- Telecom participate in the performance management process, to
what extent the performance management feedback communicate to employees in Ethio-Telecom
and For what purpose Ethio- Telecom use the performance evaluation results. To achieve this
objective, a review of relevant literature was done, and primary data was collected using a
Likert scale. questionnaire format administered to 122 respondents and data analysis was carried
out using descriptive analysis. Some findings also discovered such as: Ethio-Telecom has a good
culture in creating awareness on its mission, vision and objectives, Performance management
system is not fair and transparent, there is participation in performance management process but
not satisfactory specially in supervisory level, feedback is communicated to employees on the
strength and weakness area which needs improvement but not on time, Senior managers have
limited knowledge to carry out the performance evaluation and the organization used the
Performance Management results more for administrative purpose than any other purposes. The
study concluded to get positive result from the system there must be a well-planned, fair and
transparent employee performance management system. The study also recommended that
employee should participate in the organization goal and objectives setting process in order to
perform the task effectively and efficiently. And the company should provide a continuous
training program for management members to enable them effectively to carry out the
performance Evaluation
Performance management system, human resources, feedback